Cuvee brut champagne 750 ml
195 LEICategorii
Cele mai noi produse
Salmos priorat 750 ml
Reserve exclusive brut 750 ml
Reserve exclusive demi sec 750 ml
Chardonnay 200 ml
Reserva de la familia 700 ml
Lambrusco dell'emilia rose 750 ml
Saphir 750 ml
Sunspell 1000 ml
The harmony collection 4 guardian oak 700 ml
La atalaya del camino 750 ml
Brut rose premier cru 750 ml
Davidoff xo 700 ml
Botran 18 700 ml
Alaya tierra 750 ml
Botran 15 700 ml
Davidoff vs 700 ml
La pettegola 750 ml
Artesano beer cask 700 ml
Orchard house 700 ml
The spice tree 700 ml
Rare blend french oak 700 ml
The story of the spaniard 700 ml
Peated malt spanish oak kogei collection 700 ml
Reserva honey & orange 700 ml
Chardonnay 750 ml
Chardonnay 750 ml
Cabernet franc 750 ml
Bellovile vermentino 750 ml
Paraje altamira malbec 750 ml
Malbec 750 ml
Comtes de champagne rose 2011 750 ml
Anthìlia 750 ml
Dolce&gabbana tancredi
Comtes de champagne blanc de blancs 2013 750 ml
Brut prestige rosé 750 ml
Brut millesime 2016 750 ml
Brut reserve 750 ml
Prélude grands crus champagne 750 ml
Brut quartz 750 ml
Blanc de blancs premier cru 750 ml
Rare blend ex agave 700 ml
Cervaro della sala 750 ml
Chardonnay 750 ml
Chardonnay 750 ml
Brut nature reserva 750 ml
Gran reserva josep valls 750 ml
Rare blend guatemalan oak 700 ml
Esprit barville red cotes du rhone 750 ml
Fine white porto 750 ml
10 years old 750 ml
Calem rose 750 ml
Verdeca chardonnay 750 ml
Esprit barville white cotes du rhone 750 ml
Lagrima 750 ml
Auchentoshan Coopers Reserve 14 Ani Lowland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 0.7L
Skyy 90' Vodka 1L
Recas Explicit Merlot Doc- Vin Sec Rosu - Romania - 0.375L
Finlandia Platinum Vodka 1L
Ballantine's 30 ani Blended Scotch Whisky 0.7L
Nikka From the Barrel Japanese Whisky 0.5L
Recas Implicit Merlot Doc- Vin Sec Rosu - Romania - 0.187L
Recas Implicit Roze- Vin Sec Rose - Romania - 0.187L
Recas Implicit Sauvignon Blanc- Vin Sec Alb - Romania - 0.187L
Recas Explicit Roze- Vin Sec Rose - Romania - 0.375L
Recas Explicit Sauvignon Blanc- Vin Sec Alb - Romania - 0.375L
Gin 1000 ml
10% 180 LEILia 500 ml
11% 99 LEIVatra Rosia Muscat Ottonel & Sauvignon Blanc - Vin Sec Alb - Romania - 0.75L
Vatra Rosia Ivire Sauvignon Blanc Barrique - Vin Sec Alb - Romania - 0.75L
Absolut Blue Movement Limited Edition Vodka 1L
Torrevento Bacca Rara Bombino Bianco e Chardonnay IGT - Vin Sec Alb - Italia - 0.75L
Torrevento Primaronda Castel del Monte DOC- Vin Rose Sec - Italia - 0.75L
Torrevento E Arte Primitivo Puglia IGT - Vin Rosu Sec - Italia - 0.75L
Torrevento Pezzapiana Castel del Monte DOC - Vin Sec Alb - Italia - 0.75L
Torrevento Veritas Castel del Monte Bombino Nero DOCG- Vin Rose Sec - Italia - 0.75L
Vatra Rosia Ivire Muscat Ottonel- Vin Sec Alb - Romania - 0.75L
Torrevento E Arte Rosso Puglia- Vin Rosu Sec - Italia - 0.75L
Recas Sole Orange Natural Wine- Vin Sec Alb - Romania - 0.75L
Recas Implicit Sauvignon Blanc- Vin Sec Alb - Romania - 0.75L
Recas Implicit Pinot Grigio- Vin Sec Alb - Romania - 0.75L
Vatra Rosia Sauvignon Blanc - Vin Sec Alb - Romania - 0.75L
Recas Sole Viognier - Vin Sec Alb - Romania - 0.75L
Tohani Cuvee Dolette Magnum - Vin Rose Sec - Romania - 1.5L
Apogeum Patrimoniu de Fetească Neagră - Vin Rosu Sec - Romania - 0.75L
Recas Implicit Roze- Vin Sec Rose - Romania - 0.75L
Recas Implicit Merlot Doc- Vin Sec Rosu - Romania - 0.75L
Recas Implicit Feteasca Neagra- Vin Sec Rosu - Romania - 0.75L
Lanson Black Label Brut 0.75L
Brancoveanu VS Vinars 0.7L
Vintage 750 ml
El Ron Prohibido 12 Ani Habanero Rom 0.7L
Swing blended scotch 700 ml
11% 285 LEICristal 750 ml
Gabriella prosecco 750 ml
Blanc de blancs 750 ml